Realm of the Gods
- Capital City
-- Palace
--- High Tower of the Dragon Lords

Zar awakes early. He had never been a late sleeper, and the duties of the crown had certainly not made him any more relaxed. He walked to the edge of his room, staring out over the capital city of Kazz'a'hadar. His room was high above the rest of the city, and it contained no real walls. Instead, a series of pillars in a ring at the edges of the tower supported ceiling. The aire-like design had many uses. It allowed him to directly observe much of the city. It meant he could fly directly to anywhere else in the city. It meant he could always be accessed by petitioners. And it had one other purpose.

"We see you have awakened, Zarrexiestthros."
"We hope you have slept well."
"Are you ready to begin your duties once again?"
"Enough. Give him some air"

Zar doesn't face any of his "advisors", having long past learned that whenever he focused on one, another would speak. He fans his wings out, enjoying the light breeze on the warm summer morning. He opens one of the many trapdoors in his floor, withdrawing a change of clothes. He dresses, and pulls his sword from its resting place before buckling it to his side. It was time to get to work.

"Very well. I am prepared. Let us begin."

He opens another trap door, opening the staircase to his tower room. Finally, he goes once more to the tower edge and inhales deeply. He converts the air into fuel for his internal fire, before unleashing a large blast of roiling flame, signalling that he was awake and ready to receive visitors. A servant entered from the staircase.

"My lord?"
"Let them in, Sinzz. And send for some meat, please."

Zar walks over to his throne, as a retinue of servants and beauroucrats emerge from the staircase. As they arranged themselves, Zar looked over a stone tablet that had been engraved with the most pressing issues. The first petitioners of the day would be along soon. It was time to get to work.