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Thread: Erfworld #138 - The Discussion Thread

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Erfworld #138 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Hatu View Post
    Also, I note that Parson mentions uncroaking the dead on his turn. That seems to be a mistake. Wanda begins animating the fliers immediately after she killed them on Ansom' turn on page 98. Her flying mount is certainly animated on page 103, which takes place the night after Ansom's turn, and definitely before Parson's next turn. So it has been possible to uncroak units out of turn in the past. Is there some specific reason why that should not be possible in this case?
    Most likely the mass-uncroak trick that he wants Wanda to do here is something that can only be done on your turn, like Veiling -- it counts as casting a proper 'spell', and as we were told with that, you can't cast outside your turn.

    But you can still use magic outside your turn, obviously -- combat things like Shockamancy, or the EyeBooks and table, or the Archons' death rays, or triggering the air defenses. My guess would be that uncroaking individual units one by one by hand is something like that -- Wanda has it as a 'special attack' or something rather than as a proper spell.

    At least, I've seen several games with mechanics that work something like that.
    Last edited by Aquillion; 2009-01-16 at 12:49 AM.