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Thread: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

    While Gryllik struggles to maintain himself, Candle Jack's Eldritch Blast finds its mark with a hit directly to the back of the Infernal Gnoll. It stumbles forward, and Malaphakt shifts into position....

    Malaphakt's Dual Strike
    Short Sword (d20+8)[24] ; Damage (1d6+3)[9]
    Flail (d20+7)[16] ; Damage (1d10+3)[11]

    And provides the killing blow, impaling the gnoll with a gleeful stab. Gryllik breathes a sigh of relief and glows slightly with his god's blessing.

    Meanwhile, the tiny scorpions scuttle forward and try attacks against Gryllik, Alarius, and Malaphakt. Only Alarius feels the fury of their small claws. The volcano across the arena erupts again, and molten rock is flung through the air. Gryllik deflects one projectile with his shield, but Malaphakt is less lucky.

    After the Infernal Gnoll falls, Djelekh takes the opportunity to lacerate the nearest fire bat. Tiny flames leap from the cuts, and the fire bat loops around to teach him a lesson. Candle Jack's attack is less successful, missing completely. The other fire bat streaks past the gnome's candle, lighting the warlock on fire. He fades away in retaliation.

    Battle report

    My bad. The scorpion's dead.
    The Infernal Gnoll falls in the face of Candle Jack, Malaphakt, and Gryllik's damage.
    Malaphakt takes 13 damage from the Volcano's eruption.
    I assume Djelekh's attack defaults on the Flame Bat closest to him. Let me know if I assumed wrong.
    Djelekh takes 6 fire damage, ongoing 5.

    Alarius, Gryllik, and Malaphakt are up.
    Last edited by stinkomandx; 2009-01-19 at 12:05 AM.
    Nothin' brewin.