As he enters Rahton, the growing doubt that has been welling up in Absen begins to show on his face. Nothing about him is particularly spectacular. He stands slightly under six feet tall, and he almost blends in with the other guards in the city. His armor is in need of some polish, but it is otherwise clearly maintained. A worn leather scabbard hangs on his belt, and a small sheild is strapped to his back, over a small pack full of rations. His small green eyes dart around, absorbing and analying his surrounding. At the moment, they analyze the povery and disarray around him, and he silently wonders how grand of a reward a city in this condition can afford to pay for their request, especially for a seemingly difficult request.

Deciding to worry about that later, he begins to make his way towards the mansion in the very center of the town. In front of the building, he catches sight of two distinct, armed humanoid figures, and he picks up his pace, hoping that they are either fellow responders to the offer. As he reaches them, he begins to speak, looking first at the mansion, then at his potential partners.

"Good morning. Are you two here for the search party?"