He said WHAT????

Mia had been working hard, trying to keep her kids out of the troll/grig war. The KME was - predictably - selling weaponry and earth magic to both sides, while most of the other Lycian territories were keeping well away, simply working on their own wars and civilizations.

It seemed almost overnight that the Western Confederacy had sprung up on the north-western coast, a new land and hope for the refugees of the Yanze Empire. The KME and the Vale were so closely united that they might have been brothers in arms. Even in the south, Lycian lands flourished in the burning desert and the tropical southern coast. Gryphons and

But then, as Mia had stopped another war between the baronies of Ademar and Gilder - predictably, by slamming Baron Ademar's head into Baron Gilder's head - she heard Moghor's booming thought ripple through the astral. Luckily for the battered barons, Mia ran off with merely "Now stop fighting bye bye see ya soon!!"

Mia appeared before Moghor in her storm of phantasmal blades, a warrior with shining armor and colorful silk that was many times more magnificent than the wandering maiden she was in flesh. In her divine form, she was even taller than Moghor and Paragon shone at her side with a fell light.

"You name yourself Master of Earth, Moghor??"


Ddeon bought for herself a loose garment in the manner of their people, and a blade that was far too light and curved... but would suffice for what she hoped to do.

She'd have to wait for her "trial" to begin, and pray that Mia would listen to her...

Mount Redunkeep

"And the moral of the story is: never try to hide from Setto Kyba underground." Setto smirked as his companions walked into the magical hole in the mountainside, leaving the foolish creatures guarding the gate - and hopefully most of the mountain's guards - oblivious to their presence.

Ruben strode forward, unusually bold, followed by Erkbrand and Florent. The three had swords drawn, ready to fight any guard or monster. Following them were Sucil and Nonas, the twin mages' magical talent undoubtedly useful in a crisis. Hanis and Tanli flanked Sarha, carefully protecting her. Lastly came Karreth and Setto, closing their portal behind them.