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Thread: The witchfire trilogy

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default The witchfire trilogy

    (allright, this is my first time DMing online, so wish me luck. /nervous)

    You've been hired by the Merchant's guild in Felling to guard a caravan on the treachorous route to Corvis. The journey takes more then two weeks, and passes through rocky passes, and swampy lowlands. For your services, you are being paid 25 each at the end of your journey.

    After chasing the rising sun for many days, the ordeal is near an end. Corvis is only a half a day's ride away, though the widower's wood. The trip has been without incident so far.

    "Easy money, aye?" shouts Gunner Wadock, the caravan's leader, from his position on the front wagon. "If only all my trips 'twixt Fellig and Corvis were so painless"

    The caravan consits of five wagons, with four pack horses bringing up the rear. Gunner sits atop the lead wagon with his driver, a sour, quiet human called Viggo. The other four wagons have one driver. The pack horses are tied to the last wagons.

    One of you are on each of the other wagons, and so far, the drive is looking like it will end peacefully.
    Last edited by Inhuman Bot; 2009-02-23 at 01:27 AM.
    trill in da playground