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Thread: LoC: Chains of Aeon - IC 2

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: LoC: Chains of Aeon - IC 2

    Has he watches The Imp King remove the souls of the dead he felt a little better. That is, until he realized that he did not collect them all.

    "Why would you not save the others from their pain has well? If you have the power to ease pain, why would you not share it will all creatures?"

    "But do not worry yourself good lord. I have no such qualms with any living being"

    With that he raised his hands to waist level. Slowly a golden haze started to flow over the battlefield staying close to the ground and when it moved over a dead or dieing creature it seem to flow into the creatures body. When it did so, you could hear an audible sigh of relief. The haze spread battlefield surrounding Alesarian, numbing the pain of the dieing creatures and quickly removing all air from there lungs so they would die without pain. Alsidhe and Gnolls alike were effected by this haze. Along with any Sidhe that the Imp King might have missed.

    When the remaining creatures were dead the golden haze lifted. With it went the souls of the dead, it released the souls from their body so that the creatures would not have to roam earth in silence for eternity. The haze also has a calming effect, easing the emotions of angered spirits and allowing them to leave their bodies with no regrets. When all the souls were released the haze slowly returned to Alesarian's hand, leaving behind nothing but soulless dead bodies and a slight smell of flowers. When all the haze was removed from the battlefield, it formed a small glass ball in his hand. If one was to look in this glass ball, he would see all the collected souls in stasis.

    "Do not worry lost children. I will find a home for you. If your maker will not have you, I will"
    Last edited by Nevadie; 2009-01-31 at 02:40 AM.