On the eastern coast of Skalnaya, where the munoks originated, great masses of land sprang up from sea. The jungles of Gabot spread all the way across them, and they were as wild and dangerous as any other on Aeon.

In a matter of years the munoks spread across the lands Pohloh made for them, and they felt as familiar to them as their true home.

Deep in these new jungles, new beings appeared...

Well, not new to the world, but new to Skalnaya.

Pohloh had gathered up a handful of Genasi and brought them to this new land to join them with the munoks. Gabot would be a civilization of change, and these genasi were perfect for such a goal.

Elsewhere in the world, deep in the feywild, Harlequin had been experimenting on some of the lizardfolk he had been given. Under his 'influence' they had grown wilder, stronger, deadlier, happier, better. They were of the feymire, the swamps of the feywilds, and they willingly aided Harlequin's Court in all their wild and dangerous ventures.

0 AP = 5 AP - 3 AP(Raise and Shape 3 forests along eastern Skalnaya) - 1 AP(Make a Jungle subrace of genasi - Alteration domain discount) - 1 AP(Make a Hedonistic subrace of lizardfolk - Fey domain discount)