Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Asmodeus View Post
Wyrmfather, Battleground

Unfortunately for Alesarian, the anger of a dragon long denied simmers stronger than he would think, the anger of a Titan, especially a Titan of Dragons, even stronger, and longer. "He had a chance for forgiveness when I did not crush him the first time he murdered my son, sought to make a monster from the same son, and threatened all of my children with Genocide to escape my wrath, if he did not take my 'forgiveness' then, why would he take it now? Or perhaps, opening a whole in his skull with the axe I made from the bones his first monstrous creation, and being shown the all too real disgust the rest of his ken feel for him has opened his eyes to wisdom, yes?"

"Yes, perhaps."

He says, unafraid of the Wyrmfather's anger.

"But you would never know if you live with anger in your heart. He has make a mistake, refused forgiveness, and make more mistakes. Perhaps he is now hated by all. But it is often when you are at your lowest when you realize the truth of your actions."

"Truth or not, If he refuses to ask then I will not help him, then he will live with his wounds and nothing will have changed. But if he does ask for it, will you be strong enough to overcome your anger and hate to give it?"