Jarade - as its your first date, i'll assume you're quite young, so wont advise anything too pricey (besides - flashy dates rarely impress on a first date).

Avoid movies as a - i know they are 'popular' choice but in all fairness they are a poor one: you can't talk at a movie. For a 'low pressure' date (assuming you have a romantic interest in this girl), go for coffee and cake/pastries at a nice cafe. Failing that, a light meal or even the holdback of pizza and milkshakes will do.

also - as its the season for it, ice skating can be a winner too

Stadge - don't worry, its not a trade system. Everyone offers advice out of kindness alone here

firstly - its completely ok to feel upset over your loss, so don't for one second feel guilty about it. B will be there to help you, as long as you keep showing you appreciate her for it

As for the J thing - i think you over estimate it entirely. If she was head over heels for the guy, something would have happened long before now (when i was 16 i was dating a girl over a 100 miles away. even at a young age you can make it happen). Its not a case of who she loves "above" the other. She loves you in a romantic sense for all the many reasons you are together. She loves him as a friend. You need to accept that and stop feeling threatened by it or it will affect things. If you keep telling her you think she loves him more than you then of course she feels guilty for it.

I think the best thing would be appologise for if you've ever made her feel guilty about her friendship, and tell her how much you've appreciated all her support. Let her know that you trust her, and she shouldn't feel like she should should have to keep her friendships secret from you. And most importantly, let her know (even if she already knows it) that no matter what you're going through, if she needs to talk, she can can come and talk to you

When the person you're going out with is having a tough time, its kinda hard to approach them for support about your own problems, so it may help to let her know that it really is ok to do so