Quote Originally Posted by Felixaar View Post
Joe, there there mate. don't start writing crappy poetry what ever happened to that girl you met?
Nothing at all, which is the problem. Didn't see her over break, which was expected, going back home to see her family and all that. A week before break was over she actually called me to arrange a meeting when I got back in town (a good sign, I think), but then the day we were supposed to meet she called me, told me that a few days earlier something bad happened to her (I didn't ask, she didn't seem to want to talk about it) and she hadn't been doing any of her usual stuff and wanted to be alone for a bit. Which is fine, but the waiting has really started to get to me over the past few days. In a lot of ways it's worse than a flat rejection, found preferable only because of the fact that I have reason to hope that it will turn out well. She gave me her AIM during this last exchange, but I have yet to catch her on the damn thing.

Mostly just complaining, really. Signs would indicate that she does like me, at least a little, and writing this helped me see that again. This is, however, a bit like waiting for christmas as a kid times a thousand.