Hey folks, long time no see.

Sorry for the lack of updates and such, but my free time has been severely crippled recently. I've been spending a lot of my time doing school things as it's almost time for my GCSEs. I've been revising, looking into colleges and next week I have work experience. What little time I have is usually swiped by my girlfriend. But I will start the Saves again someday, I just need to get some free time so it may be a longer wait than estimated last year. I need to change the art-style again as I've come to the decision that the current new-style will be too difficult, so I'll be working on a more simplistic style for the comic.

Oh, and I intend to re-release all the old comics... and learn English...

On a side note, I discussed doing the Saves again with Salmon, but sadly he is rather busy these days and can't do the comic.

My inbox is still open for questions and such.