Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Sunrise View Post
"You see, those beasts of Chaos stole something of...well it isn't mine, but it's my responsibility. I can't get it back myself. I was hoping that those Children that came this way the other day would help me, but they thought I was a Chaos monster! Can you believe that? Anyway, they didn't last very long when the beasts found them."
Dolgan Glanbek, Priest of Moradin

Dolgan quickly and efficiently starts a small cooking fire, and sets a few rations to boil in a small pot, with some water for a nice gruel. Keeping a careful eye on the fire, he notices their guest's nervousness. "Relax, m'lady, relax. These chaos creatures will not hurt you. We will protect you, if it comes to a fight. If we are to help you, we will need some details on this object you are charged with. But before we get to the gritty details, for my peace of mind, are you the one that was observing us since we nighted at the pass keep? And what are these "Children" you refer to? Eladrin or elves, maybe?"

As he ends his questions, he scoops some of the thick soup into a earthen bowl, and takes it to their guest. He then proceeds to offer some to the others, ending with himself. He does his best to calm the flighty creature.