The air is especially cold this morning, seemingly mimicking the mood of most of the people in Noatun. Despite the fact that the Festival of the Four Mages is today, few people seem to be smiling or even particularly happy. Even the clerics in charge of the festivities are not particularly happy - seemingly paying lip service to an ancient custom rather than taking the opportunity to enjoy themselves.

This mood is probably justified, to a point - with the onset of the recent troubles, many of the town's Guardians have been asked to travel south to help with the defenses there. This has led, naturally, to a small surge in the crime in the area - several traders have been burgled. Many of the custodians and protectors have also left for the south, leaving the market without the usual protection from magic-using cheats that it would normally enjoy.

Even worse, bandits and attacks by northern raiders have become much more common than before - with fewer patrols, and with more goods being transported by road or sea, most caravans now require a very heavy guard in order to reach their destination. Several of the poorer mercantile houses have been forced to cease operations altogether, as it is very rare for a caravan to get anywhere successfully.

Despite all this, and the snow that has continued falling since earlier this morning, however, most people have gathered in the town forum, awaiting the dawn procession by the town's guardians and custodians that traditionally marks the beginning of the festivities. These will be followed by a feast, and various entertainments will follow long into the afternoon and the evening. A festival is still a festival, after all.