Striking a light off one of the girders that lined the warehouse, Esther lights the candle and sets it down upon the floor in the middle of the group. It's clearly an-oft repeated gesture. When others have put themselves in a state of prayer, she begins whispering, as her own prayer as much for a communal one. There's a quiet, fierce, feeling to her words.

We have seen the Emperor's truth; we have seen and we know that people can live in adoration and awe of him without losing the power of living on earth.

We will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind.

And it is just this faith that the perils of the world, of beyond the world, of the spirit. But how can we help believing it?

We have seen the truth, the Light of the Light of man — not as though the darkness of a cracked mirror, we have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it fills our souls to the ground of our beings, for ever. May it be with us now.

She stands, slightly bleary-eyed.

Let's go.