Quote Originally Posted by Mr._Blinky View Post
They're pro-Emperor, anti-Imperium. One of their beliefs is that the man who brought massive progress to the human race would probably be a little miffed at the Imperium's current stagnation. This is one of the reasons they were declared heretics.
So the Emperor, who knows all and sees all, and allowed or perhaps ordered the Inquisition to declare Exterminatus on their Chapter, still holds the kind of unswerving faith and loyalty necessary for them to retain the "And They Shall Know No Fear" rule? Sorry, that really doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Being the superior specimens of humanity that they are, Space Marines must be assumed to have superior brains as well as brawn, after all.

And the point of seeing how they fare against normal Space Marines was playtesting, not role-playing ... if you want to see whether this new Chapter is inherently superior, inferior or on par with other armies, the place to start is probably Annihilation missions against the sort of forces from which they came.