Quote Originally Posted by Mr._Blinky View Post
Which is basically what I was going for. I actually came up with the idea of them being Renegades before I read about the Soul Drinkers, but the SD background gave me a lot of ideas for how to go about their renegade status.

Also, I'm still on the fence about whether or not to even include Chaplains at all. On the one hand I actually still have a biker-chaplain that I got for Christmas some years back and have never used, but OTOH I'm not really sure that there's any way to fit them into the fluff.
The SD still have a Chaplain. But, they aren't a chapter you can play on the table either (at least as far as I know). Perhaps a slightly altered Chaplain? Maybe give them a new ability, or replace an existing one. Also, here is another idea. The Marines (not elites, the average marine) will no longer get new armaments from the vast Manufactorums of the imperium, so to reflect that perhaps upgrade their firearms from bolters to plasma rifles? And drop their armor to a 4+ save, to show the rarity of new parts to repair their power armor?

I don't profess either idea to be solid, but it's all I've got right now. Oh, and if you don't mind I'd be happy to playtest some of your work.