
Janos greets his ally warmly, with the smile of a man who is at peace inside.

"It is good to see you as well, Unai. I must admit, I was surprised as well at the renewal of my humanity. You see, I had three visions when I was in slumber...."

Janos describes the three visions to Unai, just as he did to the people of Prussia.

"I believe I understand what these visions meant, and I was compelled to choose one of them to follow. I choose the third vision. And I believe that I have averted a lifetime of madness, or a lifetime of slavery by my choice. As for how I know they are visions, not feverish dreams? It is simple..."

Janos pulls his gleaming sword out of it's scabbard.

"It seems I have the blessing of a higher power then I."

Janos grins.

"Now, Unai, let us destroy our foes, as we did the Germans and the Teutons."