I generally think, if there is a past reason, that there should be compromise working to where all parties are fine with it (ie, able to hang out with whomever whenever). If you have past issues, such as being cheated on by a previous partner or current partner, I don't think it's unreasonable to find a middle ground you are both comfortable and work up to where you are fine.

You can't force it from 0 to 60 though. It's a process. It has been with me but it's also gotten better and stuff has been stepped up.

That said, knowing how he appears to have manipulated the relationship, you need to end it. It's not healthy for either party. If there was no emotional abuse, I'd say you were both being equally immature. I still think you are both being immature (him with his "waah I'll kill myself" stuff and you with your "screw your feelings, I just care about me, but I'm still going to stay with you even though I know what I want to do hurts you", which is what hanging out with said attractive friend is doing).

But you need to leave Zarr, seriously. Leave.
