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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Lost and Clueless (... and May the Gods themselves Weep at What we Have wrought)

    Teira's tiny glob of acid strikes the first creature as it crashes to the ground, causing some of its scales to bubble over and melt away. Once the creature hits the ground, momentarily stunned, Kovl's bolt sinks into this tiny hole. Garrit's strike against the downed creature is not so accurate, and is deflected by the creature's armored hide. Because the creature is momentarily stunned, it is difficult to tell what the effect of your assaults had on it.

    One of Sylvash's claws strikes true, gashing the still combative creature's shoulder. The lizardman's savage bite sinks into the side of its wing, and it gives out a brief cry of pain. The warlock's bolt flies past him, and seems to have gone unnoticed. However, the 'darkdweller' has seemed to have noticed Valter's spell and calls out in draconic -
    "Ssah! This pink-skinned parasite shall not control a creature of Scale!"

    It lashes out with its right claw, but Valter manages to drop to the left and the blow goes wide pounding into the side of the well. Hissing with pain, its left hand grabs the half-elf, its talons sinking into his chest. It pulls him back and then slams him into the well. He can feel the force of the blow running through his side and several ribs cracking within his chest.
    Valter takes 12 points of damage.
    Last edited by Highwarlord; 2009-02-26 at 02:18 AM.
    Just an affable fellow, really.