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Thread: That Guy with a Halberd

  1. - Top - End - #694
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Planet Earth

    Default Re: That Guy with a Halberd

    Good gracious, I go on holiday and the whole thread isn't posted in on what? 8 days?

    Well, I hope there's some halberdiers around anyway, because I have something to show you.

    I've been re-reading some things on the thread, and the GwaH writing contest(In wich, to the date I looked, only Lerky has posted his story) caught my attention. We all know the story Lerky wrote (Or most, at least.). And as I had nothing to do today, I did this! Cover for the story!!! woot!!!


    I'm linking to the image because it's, like, 600 pixels bigger than the total allowed, if not more...

    It's... a little bigger than I intended, but it gets the job done, I guess. I tried to make the upper end like an old piece of parchment, gradually fading toward some point on the story that's sort of "off-camera".

    By the way, I wrote what I wrote at the lower-left, because, the story? Lerky's. The picture? Mine.(We all know Lerky is a better artist, but hey! I'm triying to revive the thread!(Again) I had to do something!)

    So... what do you say?

    (Every kind of veggie is accepted for throwing, except for Pickles, if you could be so kind. And potatoes.)

    Last edited by NamonakiRei; 2009-02-28 at 08:10 PM.
    An eye for an eye will make us all blind - Mahatma Ghandi.
    Technically, Fire is a chemical process, wherein Oxygen, a fuel, and heat trigger a quick, heat-releasing oxidative reaction that produces carbon dioxide and water vapor. This process is called Combustion. They're not called Combustionals, you know?
    Also Water is a molecule, Air is a bunch of different molecules, and don't let me get started on Earth.
    (Sorry, I'm a Chemist, can't resist.)