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    Orc in the Playground
    Paramour Pink's Avatar

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: [IC Thread] Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

    Celia Kristina

    Celia swallowed hard, no longer able to keep track of many they faced, and unwilling to guess how few werewolves it might have taken to have made this a fair fight. Her seemingly stalwart shield started to shake. As though her mercenary mindset had taken a small step into insanity, she took her eyes off of her swift, mounting enemies, and looked hopefully for a single glimmer of gold in the sky. She tried to discern how long it would be until dawn was benevolently born again.

    Actions this round:


    Because I don't have any ranks in Knowledge: Nature, here's an Intelligence check to see how long until dawn comes. (1d20)[5]

    I'm guessing the wolves surrounding us even more, and using a fear attack, was round 1. For round 2, standard action again for Total Defence, so AC is still 17. Not going to use my move action.

    Celia's status:


    HP: 52/52.
    Initiative: 16.
    AC: 17.
    Status: Shaken.
    Auras: Demand Fortitude and Hardy Soldiers.
    Last edited by Paramour Pink; 2009-03-04 at 07:19 AM.
    Djinn_in_Tonic avatar. I owe him a big thank you.