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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: 'We live, as we dream — alone ...' [In Character]

    Brother Librarian Lucius Egar

    Lucius gasps as the air is forced from his lungs and his trachea seals shut and than his suit kicks in and pumps oxygen into his blood stream. He feels the slight fuzzy feeling as the layer of mucus secreted from his Mucranoid reacts to the vacuum. He looks out into the vast vacuum and his mouth moves as he mouths a curse. This was not his day.


    He doesn't have a helmet with him.... But the Mucranoid is designed for this sort of situation.
    agility test (32+30) = 62
    Last edited by crazedloon; 2009-03-05 at 07:40 PM.
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