The crossbow bolt goes wide and the halfling's blade and the ghost spike both glance off of the first creature's hide. Pushing itself to its rear legs, the creature wobbles unsteadily for a moment as its vision clears, and then leaps backwards away from its harassers, its wings propelling it back forty feet before it makes a soft landing.

The second creature fares much more poorly. The crippling ray strikes it in its shoulder, and its muscles visibly shrink and contract in its right arm. As the weakening pulse flows through the rest of its body, Sylvash's claw sinks into his chest. The barbarian rips out one of the creature's ribs, leaving a sucking wound in its chest. The warlock's bolt then crashes into its leg, burning the surface with eldritch energy. Seeing its one time victim's defensive stance and the fury of his allies, the creature clutches its side and leaps to the air, calling out in its own language to its compatriot as it prepares to flee.

Sylvash and Valter get AOOs against their creature. The other creature is taking a double move action directly away from its attackers and does not draw attacks of opportunity.