
Standing there as the ship separated, time slowed down, he saw small pieces of debris float through what used to be precious air before he had realized what had happened, the ship was torn asunder. His head locked onto the sight of the ship separating, he brought his helmet up to his head and shoved it on, giving a left and right twisting motion at the end. The helmet of the Errant armor hissed as it connected with the miscellaneous tubes and wiring of the neck piece. Faust gave his own helmet a pat on the back to ensure that it was securely on. With that, few words escaped his mouth, being slightly muffled by his helmet's comm systems.

"Well, this is bloody great..."

Faust walked up to the edge of the section of the ship that he was in and thought about making the jump to the other side of the ship, he held onto the girders that used to run along the inside of the ship as he started to position himself for the jump of his life.

I may be wrong here, but...
Agility of 41 +15 Agi from armor should be 56 total to pass (or lower)
Jump! - (1d100)[33]