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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Avatar Battle Royale Discussion Thread XVIII

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gremlin View Post
    1. It adds a bit of realism. In real life, not everything has some point. In real life, you stub your toe and say 'ow.' In a movie, someone stubs their toe and you (or, at least I)say 'uh-oh, that's gonna come back to bite them later somehow'. Especially if it's a mystery.
    2. Neither do a lot of things. If we took out everything that didn't contribute to the plot, we'd have to kick out about 20 ABRians (among other things).
    3. So is this argument. I see little point in debating about something because it's 'unnecessary'. This whole debate is, too. Why can't you just drop it and stop wasting time arguing? It won't ruin the plot to have it, it is a very minor detail, and the time we're spending on this whole thing is incredibly pointless. The only reason it could waste our time is that you keep arguing about how much it would mess up the plot.
    4. No, it does not! You don't even have to refer to them as FAIL in your comics, but since it's around there's no reason to debate it.
    5. Yes, it does. Are you even reading my posts? I gave a perfectly good compromise which made perfect sense, and you acted like I didn't change my argument at all.
    6. And ABR was meant to be completely random, with no plot. But it's the plot that's raking in members! Original intent doesn't really make any difference if it's changed.
    7. I know. But oddly enough, the UNA doesn't feel bad AT ALL about annoying the wicked terrorist organization of murderers! Isn't that weird?
    8. Not everybody liked ending FFF 1 either. But it worked out. And this idea hardly has any significance! There is no point in trying to 'disallow' using it in our comics. You can only depict people in your comics saying 'ALF', or 'terrorists led by Igon Minoblendy', or whatever. But I will occasionally feature people saying 'FAIL'.
    1- No it doesn't. Governments don’t give terrorist groups different names, especially silly ones.
    2- The difference is, they are people who want to join, this is a name.
    3- Why can't you just drop it? If it's just a minor detail, why do you insist on it even though no everyone agrees on it.
    4- It doesn't matter that I don't refer to them as FAIL, it's still stupid to give them two names because of the reasons above.
    5- It's not a compromise at all, ALF are still being called FAIL which is what I'm arguing against. If they're still going to be called FAIL then how is this a compromise?
    6- Even when the plot started, it was still quite random.
    7- By annoying, I mean it annoys me, not the fictional characters.
    8- FFF had to come to an end at some point, so do all plots, that's what happens. FI just offered something else to do once it's over.
    You can’t call an organisation a completely different name in a comic where everyone contributes.
    It’s like me calling the UN, STB. No one would know what I’m talking about. You want to make it more realistic, and if you’re the only one in the comic calling it FAIL then technically none of the other characters wouldn’t know what you’re one is talking about because it’s “realistic”.
    9- And how is calling them FAIL realistic? Since when does anyone give a joke name to a terrorist group, or any enemy. Do we have a joke name for the IRA? Hamas? Did we have one for the NAZI's? We have never given a joke name to a group of people who are terrorists or kill people.
    It would be completely unrealistic.
    Last edited by Nameless; 2009-03-06 at 06:06 AM.