Scowling at the display, Novare states simply at the now vanished image of the Relictor's ship, "Go with the emporer.. " Sacantus seems undaunted by the hopelessness of the situation, simply just another problem to be solved. Of course having a mind that is burned into the shape the knighthood wanted, and trained to be isolated and battle alone in all or nothing situations probably helps some.

Wasting little time the knight bends to the task of finding means off or out of the minnow, trying to bring up a layout of the section, he states to his still living brethren over the coms, "A droppod, or thunderhawk would be useful, I hope one of you know hows to fly.. altho with the hit the Thunder Child took, I'm not sure that is the best means to make planetfall" not like their current means is all that spiffy either, regardless he continues to look for any type of hanger, or storage section that may contain any form of ship, when an idea occurs to him.

"Or better yet, a Teleport chamber.." the knight comments as he continues his search. "I just hope we have enough power to engage it's targetting scanners.."