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    Ogre in the Playground
    Illiterate Scribe's Avatar

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    Oct 2006
    Dat Shoggoth

    Default Re: 'We live, as we dream — alone ...' [In Character]


    I ahm indeed afraid thaht my sehconderry plan is a vehry final worne. I ahm cawling in the Imperium. If the Thunder Child fehled to escape ... thehn it is my duty to Chapter and Emperor to stop whart I behlieve is there, by warning the Battlefleet Calixis. I am sorry, I world nort have you see me after my warning is over. Your behst chance of survival lies with the other survivors uhp above - although ehven then, the future is dark.

    Slowly, you can see the systems of Boreale's armour begin to power down, as his trance deepens.

    Through the Fire Control and Flames

    The SS Minnow, comprising as it did the communications and cogitator arrays of the Redemptoris Missio, is ill-equipped with emergency descent gear. There is a single drop pod, but it lacks power, and its massive ceramite door would require plasma cutters to breach, thus compromising its defence.

    The arms locker, however, is a different story. Bisected by the beam from the planet, it's a veritable cornucopia of armaments. Many crates have slipped the surly bonds of grav-plating, but a fair few still remain, pregnant with stored potential and chemical energy, just waiting for the spark or 'give' to let it kicking and screaming upon the world. There are also ten much larger crates, labelled


    Manned Maneuvering Vehicle

    in the corner.
    Last edited by Illiterate Scribe; 2009-03-07 at 09:59 PM.