"I don't know if we would be able to launch it, I have not been indoctrinated in ship operations, but I don't believe I've ever seen them completely powered down outside of long term storage.." Novare responds as he enters the Armory, pausing briefly at the entrance the Grey knight scans the half of the armory that remains, his gaze lingering on the floating crate, stuck in a slowly falling piece of shrapnel with additional resources just out of reach, these thoughts quickly are squashed as he turns to bring his attention on his fellow marines and on what they've found.

Reaching over his shoulder Sacantus draws out his halberd "Well now that is certainly seems to be good news, lets pop the tops"

Imperceptibly the knight glances at the blade of this halberd, the years of work that goes into finding and perfecting the make and metal of the psycoactive alloy that is turned and hardened time and again, years are spent incrafting a single weapon, and further then months of training and attuning are used to align and link the weapon and the knight it is given. Daily rituals, and blessings are used to keep the weapon purified and keen for it's task, mowing down the enemies of the emperor, the reaping of demons, casting them back into the depths of the warp.. or as a big can-opener to leverage open crates. The knight makes a mental note to do some penance if he survives this action.

Moving through along the formerly orderly row of crates, he makes his way towards Constantine, "Lead the way Brother, where shall we begin?"