Quote Originally Posted by LucyHarris View Post
How is that pronounced, by the way? Is it like "mee" or "meh"? Or something else?
I have this small explanation in one of my lists:

The vowels may be pronounced as follows: a as in father, u as in pull, e as in peg, and i as in hip. Of the special consonants, ñ is pronounced like ng in rang, þ is pronounced like ch in German Buch or Scottish loch, and š is pronounced like sh in dash.
By the way, Me is only the short-form, to say so:

me-du-du-ga: the good 'me's, the beneficial functions.
me-kìlib-ba: all the 'me's, all the functions of civilized life.
me-maþ: the high 'me's, the high functions
me-þuš: terrible 'me's, negative attributes
me-nam-nun-na: the (god-given) 'me' of royalty
me-nì-galam: perfected 'me's