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Thread: Dark Heresy - An Unroutine Inspection IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Illiterate Scribe's Avatar

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    Dat Shoggoth

    Default Re: Dark Heresy - An Unroutine Inspection IC

    Fully aware that it would be a better idea to remain beyond arm's length, , Esther leaps forward, following in her sister's lead, trying to land a blow on the creature with her flail, all the while trying to position herself between Korland and these ... things. What were they? Corpses, yes, but what animated them? Spirits of the dead, daemonic presences from the warp, or something else entirely? Whatever they were, neither Korland nor Mira appeared to have suffered the subtly different form of shock that resulted from direct exposure to the warp, but -

    Her line of thought was interrupted by the empty, hollow sense of her flail passing through the empty air above the zombie. Damn.


    37 WS + 10 (charge) + 10 (outnumbered two (Esther, Halo) to one) vs. (1d100)[99], for, if it hits, (1d10+6)[7] damage.

    Edit:Cool rolls.
    Last edited by Illiterate Scribe; 2009-03-15 at 08:19 AM.