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Thread: When On Olympus

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: When On Olympus

    Riven listens to the discussion of divine philosophy, gently tapping his metal fingers on the smooth surface of the table he's standing next to. Once Silete finishes, he smiles calmly.

    "It is my opinion that we are the greatest among the spirits of this universe, whether by creation," he gestures to Amael and himself "or, as you say, by elevation. In our divinity, we have more knowledge and far more power than the mortals: our lifespans are infinite, and our ability immense."

    He glides around the debating gods idly. "But we recognize the constraints of size when we say 'immense,' and we recognize the passing of time when we say 'infinite.' It is by these most fundamental constraints we are bound and to which we act as functionaries. 'When' and 'how' is our purview. 'Why' is the next question, and a question that I do not seek to have answered."
    Last edited by Virgo; 2009-03-19 at 08:54 PM.
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