I believe I may have been in a past incarnation of this thread to seek advice... I need your help in a delicate situation.

You see, there is this guy I am going to school with, and... We don't get along. At best its neutral. Well, my small school has a track team. On this track team is a throwing group. In this throwing group I am part of, he is also part of. Well today, we almost got into a fight. Basically, he randomly pushed me while A couple of people had to get discs(Like 4-5 people throw, then a group retrieves. Him and I happened to be in the same group) I, being fed up with crap like that and not wanting to deal with crap like that pushed him back. He pushes me again, and says something to the effect of "I swear if you touch me one more time I'll beat you up". Thankfully a coach broke it up(Obviously since we didn't actually fight, there wasn't actually anything to break up), or else I am fairly sure we would have gone to blows otherwise. Apparently afterward I looked like i was going to cry I actually wasn't, I was just overly angry.

Now, that was the first situation like that, but there have been other things, in only two weeks of the season. One thing was that there is also a girl I am somewhat interested in(Though don't have a crush on) who is also on track, and it seems that while I was in another event, he and a couple of friends were talking to her about my past relationships(And how idiotic and naive I have been, but thats really another story), and I think that kind of drove her away from even talking to me a little.

So, I obviously want to avoid 1. Having myself be emberassed by said person, 2. Not actually get into a fight, because even though I could probably beat him, I would probably get a suspension or something for it, and 3. Stop the crap from him continuing. So I turn to you, knowledgable Gitp members, for some helpful advice.

(A little sidenote, I have been told that I speak confusingly, as recently as my sister telling me that a couple of days ago, and it is something I know I do. If anyone needs me to clarify anything, I'd be free to)