Head of Council- Tobias Greystone
Archmage- Lucius Haser
Marshal of Armies- Anya Possina
Spymaster- Cassandra Goh
Guildmaster- Kyle Remox of Rumai

The Silver Council

The Grand Council chamber in the Gaarosian Capital of Duashari was grand. Elegant white marble and golds and blue were predominant. The Country's banner, A Shining Gold Sun on a White field, was directly above a large ornate stained glass window.

The Silver circle table was ancient and full of history. The five chairs of silver reflected the occupants. Lord Tobias's chair was more of a throne, with gold overlay, as regal as the man himself. The Lord was dressed in robes of office fit for a king, made of cloth of gold that matched his blond hair.

Lucius's chair was traced with arcane runes of Blue. The silver chair itself didn't seem to have a straight edge and seemed to show the ever changing waves of magic. Lucius himself was a middle-aged man with Dark Brown-greying hair and eyes of the brightest blue. He strokes his goatee with long fingered hands.

Anya Possina's chair was high backed and straight, as was the young woman sitting in it. A Shining red sun dominated the back of her chair, a diagram mirrored on the molded breastplate of her shining plate mail. Her Long red hair was cut short, to about her collarbone. Her youthful face was unmarred by scars despite the battles she had fought and won. Purple eyes were sharp and focused.

Spymaster Goh's chair was low and comfortable, padded with goosefeather and designed so one could easily relax in it. Geometric lines of black crossed the chair. The woman herself was ambiguously aged, anywhere between 20-30 years of age, beautiful and pale of skin. Her black hair fell like a wave over her shoulder and all the way down her back. Shocking green eyes stared at the other members.

Guildmaster Kyle was an older gentlemen, but younger than Lucius. His chair was opulent, affixed with jewels and precious metals. Her wore the richest of silks, but unlike many merchants, not an ounce of fat covered his body, just lean muscle. A long, faint scar leading from his jaw to his collar attested to his stint as a Commander in the army.

Lord Tobias raised his hands "Let the meeting begin"

For the moment, the Silver Council is increasing farm and medicine, along with ordering the scientists to study the new airships. Mage Inquisitors are sent to scour the land for new recruits for the Academy. Cassandra's spies and envoys are sent out across the land to establish relations and keep an eye out for any interesting happenings