Why? Why do you burn our villages? Why do you assault our forts with your guns and your metallic oliphants? What have we done to you? Why must we die?

You are not of the Knight's Kingdom of NorthKnight, so such is your fate. (opens gut and lets innards fall)
-The king and a Lower Tribe lord at the beggining of the Eternal Wars, According To Local Legend

Quote Originally Posted by Halna LeGavilk View Post
"Do you have a name?" She called out after him.
The Second Prince got suddenly stiff.
"Everyone but the Knight King and my brothers knows me as the Second Prince. I understand you are a Foreigner and not aware of The Customs, but I am confident your new husband and his wives will teach them to you"

They were now leaving the offices and entering a shockingly gray and industrial city-barracks that didn't allow for much horizon from the inside.

"Now, milady" Said the Secondborn as they made their way up a comlicated yet equally gray staircase, always followed closely by men with bayonettes "I mean not to be a nuisance nor to come off as too represive of your...folkloric nature, it is just that foreigners are a diversion rarely taken by our men and...well...our culture is rather appreciative of this". As the Second Prince finished talking Lia could notice that he had said it on a tone that permitted not for the guards to hear.