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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice, The Seventh Saga

    So, mild annoyance.

    Truth or dare game at school, just a few friends who Im comfortable talking with and such, no secrets between us etc. etc. Had a few rounds nothing too exciting, then I got "do you really have a crush on X." Being an honest kind of guy, yeah, I admitted I did. Of course, it just so happened a friend of X was near by. On hearing the words "Yeah, Ive got a crush on X" she sprang into action immediatly demanding if this was true. Shes an alright girl, and given the situation, I couldnt really say no in this situation.

    3 days later, it seems that this friend has told X (and apparently within the hour of her finding out as well...). So now, the girl I like knows I like her but doesnt know that I know that she knows that I like her... Damn school life, its so confusing.

    Thing is, now Im worried that if I dont make a move soon, she'll lose any interesst that might be there, but you know... Im not exactly the most confident guy and I dont like rushing into things like this, especially after what a **** up my last one was.

    Edit: damn, I didnt think that would be nearly offensive enough to be filtered. Must be alot worse up America.
    Last edited by onasuma; 2009-03-21 at 07:21 PM.
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