How about a little empathy, people? I don't know the circumstances of the break-up, but I think this may more or less apply regardless.]
From the little snippets of not-blah supplied, she's obviously having some troubles at the moment. She feels that she needs to talk to someone, anyone, and apparently of all the people she knows - which may be many or very few - you are the one she trusts and/or feels the most comfortable with. That may be flattering or sad, depending upon her current situation. Rather than treat her like a fellow human being in pain, who may very well have changed from whatever terrible person she must have been for you to treat her so callously now, you ignore her and then spew film-based gibberish at her and hang up in her ear.
Yes, she should take the hint. No, she should not have called you at that time. I don't know how the emails were creepy but if that is a legitimate gripe then she shouldn't have done that, either. Unless she did something really terrible to you at the end of your relationship, no, you are not the victim here.
My suggestion: Next time she contacts you, by phone or email or whatever, tell her that you don't feel that you can help her with her problems and that you are uncomfortable with the contact. Then give her some numbers or web links to call centres and counsellors and the like. I would personally like for you to give her a way to contact you, say email only and only if she's civil and reasonable and not-creepy, but if you really just want her to get out of your life forever - and again, unless she did something really terrible to end your last relationship forever, that's pretty harsh - tell her so, and preferably tell her why. Then I will consider you justified in ignoring and/or blocking her, or maybe even calling in legal help if necessary, if she continues harassing you.