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Thread: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

  1. - Top - End - #94
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

    Candle Jack, does any wound completely lack!
    HP 37/37, Surges 4/6

    Candle Jack giggles to himself as he notices that he suffered little more than some burn marks on his armor and a little fatigue. He sits and rests and tells jokes to the air.

    "What do you call a mountain of fire that doesn't blow? How about a volca-NO!" He bursts into a fitful throe of laughter.

    Spend 2 healing surges to be back up to full and call in a day.
    Last edited by Rumplestiltskin; 2009-03-24 at 02:42 AM.
    Rumplestiltskin Lives!

    "Candle Jack. Candle Jack. One more time, and ya can't take it back."
    Emerend of the Vultures, Bounty Hunter become Gladiator