i get as much enjoyment out of seeing my girlfriend as i do seeing any of my close friends and family but she's over the moon every time we hangout. There's nothing 'wrong' with her, i love her company, but i just don't get any special feelings of happiness when i'm with her that i don't get with hanging out with my little brother or my best friend, and i even kind of resent the way she gets upset if i have to cancel plans.
Given, she lives an hour's (at least) drive away and so the time we have to spend together is limited, but i can't help it if i fall ill and can't come out for a drive with her.
And i'm moving interstate soon (so the 1+hours to get to me will soon turn into a hard day of driving or $200+ on airfares that she doesn't have living on a student's budget and paying back a mortgage).

I know she's super-sensitive about her overreacting to when i have to cancel on her as in the past she's offered to break up if it was too much and i totally understand her upset, but well, i've started questioning lately if it's worth keeping going with this relationship... i quite openly said that i love her, but that i also love my mother and my cousins and my friends and my lizards (and to be honest, i really love my lizards and mother more).
And like a woman (and i'm trying not to be sexist, but it is true for all the women i know) she says things like "Oh i'm going for the drive regardless of whether you're coming or not because i need it" and then when i have to cancel bursts into tears and doesn't go and after going through all of her insecurities with me makes plans to do it at a later date when i can come. The point is, she says a lot of stuff that she doesn't actually mean but that she thinks will take any pressure off me.

urg... i don't know what to do, i'm good at convincing myself that i don't want or like something just because it is or will be an issue (which moving interstate from your partner certainly is) but at the same time i've never really desperately wanted a partner - least not in the girlfriend sense - as i don't enjoy being kissed or sex or spending large amounts of time with people, or having to change my life in order to fit around someone else, i just want someone to (eventually) help me raise my kid/s and that i can call and talk to every time i need them.

I don't really know if anyone can give advice and i don't expect it, i just need to get my feelings out somewhere so i can start analysing them properly and move on to other thoughts...