Your medic (or more likely the real medic's assistant) follows you up a short flight of stairs into the waiting room, which adjoins the arena infirmary on one side. The room is mostly deserted at the moment, but neither area appears designed to hold a very large number of people. At one side of the infirmary, you see a silver circle set into the floor. Out of the corner of your eye, you can just catch a glimpse of something insubstantial standing in the center of the ring.

Glancing warily at the silver ring, the assistant leads your team to the opposite side of the room. He waves over another assistant; holding a faintly glowing crystal-tipped wand, the other young man begins tending to your most obvious wounds as the first page converses with the head physician.

Clad in a basic green tunic, the head physician bears the distinguishing marks of Forenti's battlecaster regiments; in fact, the ceremonial gear of the 'casters, buffed to a mirror shine, lies strewn across a shelf on one side of the room. The man is blue-eyed, maybe forty or fifty years old, with short graying hair (drawn back in a short ponytail, as is the Forenti style) and the huge curling three-pointed moustache inexplicably favored by Forentine fighting-men.

("Nothing there, sir. Only a whole ton of ash, and I really don't think we want to use that as a focus." - "Thaumic traces?" - "Nothing hopeful, sir." - "Damn. This is not going to be a fun procedure; I think we'll have to wait until the Crows come on shift, and even then... hn. You go downstairs, say there's no way we'll have the mage back up in time.")

Raising his voice, the physician turns to you: "Welcome! my infirmary. Unfortunately, I can't get your mage--Djelekh?--back on his feet in the ten minutes we've got here. My assistant will be downstairs, arranging for a replacement. Regaardless! any of you haave trouble breathing? A racking cough--ah, one that you didn't have before now? A good dose of volcanic dust to the lungs can be about as good for you as a nice big spoonful of broken glaass, and it's a devil to set without cutting you open."

[You've got ten minutes. As per standard rules, you can spend all the healing surges you want. Alarius, your words will recharge twice; that is, you can use two now and still have two in the next encounter.]