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Thread: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

    Thorfulk, Dwarf Invoker / Cleric
    Init +6 HP 54/54 Bloodied 27 Healing Surge 13 (0 used /9)
    AC 20 Fort 18 Reflex 17 Will 20 Speed 5
    Notes Resist Radiant 5

    A few minutes after the medic's assistant leaves the room, a sound of clattering metal and leather boots sliding on stone steps come from the portal. The door swings open to show a round dwarf standing with an enormous smile plastered on his round, red, pudgy face.

    Hello all, my name is-- His sentence is cut short because the baldric draped over his shoulder catches on the door latch, spinning the over-exuberant dwarf around. The force of the spin, mixed with the unbalanced weight from the waraxe perched precariously on the baldric, is too much for the dwarf to maintain his balance. His feet tie up with each other and he tumbles to the ground, the butt of his axe soundly bumping him in the lip.

    He quickly scrambles to his feet and tries to dust himself off. With a slight chuckle his hand tests his tender lip, now sporting a rather large lump.

    Well, that was quite a spill, eh? Oooh. That one stings. Is it puffing up? He displays his lip for everyone to see. He jumps when he realizes he hasn't properly introduced himself yet. Oh. Silly me. Hello all, my name is Thorfulk. I wield the power of the mighty Kord and smite my enemies. He tries his best to add a theatrical flair to his introduction by quickly drawing his axe, spinning it in the air, and catching it in his hands. And, it might have worked, had he not dropped the axe after tossing it. He dances to the side to avoid the run-away blade. With a sheepish chuckle he looks from person to person and then quickly picks up his fallen axe. Well, I guess I haven't quite gotten that one yet. Close though.
    Last edited by boxboy582; 2009-03-26 at 03:00 PM.
    Failyn Sunswift, Human Monk
    Init +7 HP 40/40 Bloodied 20 Healing Surge 10 (0 used /7)
    AC 23 Fort 18 Reflex 22 Will 17 Speed 6
    Str 16 (+3) Con 10 (0) Dex 20 (+5) Int 8 (-1) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 10 (0)

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