
"Damn rain. Should've spent some time on Inner Fire." Rin's thoughts turned away from the unpleasant task that lay before her Genin. She had buttoned her coat to protect her from the rain, her hair matted to her face with the rest held in a bun with three throwing needles. The five Needles of the Wayward Doctor kept safe in her light but more versatilely stocked backpack. Hibiki and Yuu were both determined and if things went bad again... "Damnit Kei-sama. Why us?"

Rin dropped down next to her Genin with a slight splash her own brand of warm and friendly insanity shining through her ever present smile. "Hey-o." She said warmly whipping some of the rain from her eyes. "What a blessing this rain is, when we get back all the flowers will bloom brighter for this bad weather. It'll smell wonderful." To some perhaps this might seem a forecast for their own journey, that despite the bad weather they were in they would soon bloom brighter for their adversity. Rin herself meant both the literal and implied with that particular sentence. She also avoided meeting Kei's eyes, fearing she might not hide just how much she hated him for doing this to them.