Phillipe Meyer
Dragonborn Paladin/Cleric
Init: (d20+4)[13] HP 45/45 Bloodied 22 Healing Surge 12 (0 used /11)
21 Fort 19 Reflex 14 Will 19 Speed 5

Phillipe found the team waiting in the tunnel, as the arena was prepared for their entrance. They stood cool and calm, as professional as could be expected from any who had lasted a full round of the Tourney. He approached them. 'Ah, it appears as though you are without another of your party. You and I are then both in luck, as I find myself without a team.

The dragonborn bows. 'My name is Phillipe Meyer, Born of the Dragon, and although I have lived my life amongst humans, I have dedicated my life to the Platinum dragon.' He glanced quietly around the room, noticing, perhaps for the first time the pronounced devotion to Kord. 'I would be proud to fight beside such honorable warriors of Kord. The blessings of my god go with you.'


Initiative rolled in stat block