Round 3
Franz strikes out as soon as the berserker moves, but sadly the halberd misses and strikes the floor instead.

Yuriél steps in to bathe the corridor in white radiance, letting his voice ring clearly in the stone halls. Sadly, all the targets manage to avoid the stern light. Despite this failure, the light bolsters and strengthens both János and Franz, giving them a slight boost which is much needed.

The two madmen both lash out at Franz. Only one manages to get it's claw past his heavy armor, however.

jjcarson: Sure, I can roll OAs for you in the future.

Ihlet has one surge left, which he can use along with Yuriél's healing word. I'll leave it up to Limos whether or not to use it, though, since it is his last one.

6 damage to Franz from madman A.

Franz, Ihlet, Janos, János and István's turn. Wow, it's so nice to have the wraith gone, now all but Yuriél can act at once. Should speed things up a bit.

Ihlet : 26/70 hp, dazed
Janos : 48/64 hp
Wraith : Dead
János : 66/73 hp, 8 temp hp, -4 Will and Slowed, dazed, +2 all defenses, +2 attack
István : 36/50 hp
Berserker : 41/102 hp, cursed by János, Marked by Franz, sundered armor, 5 ongoing damage
Sniper : 56/86 hp
Midget : 78/86 hp
Yuriél : 37/64 hp
Madman A : 87/87 hp, Marked by Franz
Madman C : 20/87 hp, Marked by Franz
Franz : 58/92 hp, -2 Will, +2 attack, dazed