Ivory Eyes doesn't even turn her head from where she kneels beside the Captain, her casual tone suddenly stripped away by the Watcher's advance. Her hand flickers and withdraws a knife again at lightning speed, balancing it by it's tip on her finger.

"By Sol, if you so much as sneeze I'll end this. Enough have died; we now have a scenario that could avoid further death."

She stands, tossing the knife into the air and grabbing it by the handle before setting it in her coat again. The Captain's head is propped up on his own armor, and his blood stains the Copper Spider's fingertips. She looks across her impromptu triage, breathing in deep and rhythmic.

"They'll survive for now. But we need more skill than I have. Zephyr, if you'd do me the same service you did last night," she says, retreating to the far edge of the chamber. Her bloodied fingers trace an equal circle on the tiles and she sits, cross legged, speaking in a whisper.

"...I don't know how strong a creature with the needed skills would be. And I've spent more motes than I'd like," she says, cleaning her hands with a handkerchief. "But if two of those men are to expect any kind of quality of life, they need treatment. Strong medicine," she says at last, closing her eyes. Her very breath condenses into Essence as she begins her familiar mantra.