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Thread: sleepy's game

  1. - Top - End - #68
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: sleepy's game

    Thyreus dashes across the battlefield and leaps up the rocky slope with the powerful agility of his people. The startled spirit speaker lunges backward in retreat, barely saving his face from complete obliteration, but he is not fast enough. The mordenkrad glances off his shoulder, and you see his arm spasm as nerves are ground in splintered bone.

    The spirit speaker retreats before the chill wake of the mace, gesturing with his totem as he backpedals. The green cloud rolls in and over him and Thyreus, granting a comforting ambiguity of silhouette to the lank-haired bandit and a raw throat to the barbarian. He utters again in the unknown language, a hissing, spitting string of syllables, and makes as if to throw his totem at Thyreus. The chimes clatter, sparking purple bursts of energy, and a crackling ball of bright, electric power detatches from the totem, blurring straight towards Thyreus' eyes.

    Thyreus: the spirit speaker has cover from that square, but you still hit. I rolled a 13 for damage for you in the OOC thread; go ahead and roll damage whenever you roll to attack, right underneath. We'll just ignore it if you miss. Again, please specify the square you're charging to. I know there's only 1 you can pick, but just so I'm sure we're all on the same page.

    A pre-emptive note to Haimon: I absolutely cannot stand 4e's geometry-defying insistance that 5 feet up + 5 feet forward = 5 feet. So if you were thinking of attacking the spirit speaker from T9, I'm gonna say no, that's almost 15 feet according to all sane calculations. Sorry.

    action breakdown:
    spirit speaker takes a move action to shift to V10
    a minor to recenter the cloud
    and a standard to attack Thyreus

    targetting Thyreus vs Fort
    (2d6+1)[10] damage, and you are blinded (save ends) if it hits

    Initiative Order:

    *spirit speaker
    Hileon <<<

    Last edited by sleepy; 2009-04-16 at 08:00 AM.