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Thread: sleepy's game

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: sleepy's game

    Thyreus steps up the slope and swings wildly, the bellowing barbarian no less intimidating for his inability to see. Indeed, though the hammer flails wide of its mark and the sparks continue to fill his eyes with flashes of purple-white, the wounded spirit speaker blanches at the approach of the powerful man.

    The battle-hardened tough is unflinching, however, and pounces on Hileon's loss of balance as he ducks Thyreus' reckless swing. He drives his spear home, sinking the tip into Hileon's gut. Hileon's roar of pain wavers toward the end, and he crashes to the ground.

    "More shall fall! Lay down your arms!" cries the spirit speaker in a rasping voice as he steps away from Artigine and beckons for the cloud. Hissing again in the tongue of his magic, the purple sparks flash in the chimes of his totem once more. With Thyreus blind and Hileon collapsed, he unleashes the hex on Artigine with a crack of electrical energy. All around, green whorls swoop like leaping fish as the cloud and its' horrid faces billow up-wind unnaturally.

    action breakdown:

    the spirit speaker gives the tough a free attack as an immediate reaction to Thyreus' miss, which he takes against Hileon. See the rolls above; 11 damage.

    On his turn, the spirit speaker shifts to X11
    spends a minor to recenter the cloud
    and attacks Artigine

    targetting Artigine vs Fort
    (2d6+1)[6] and Artigine is blinded (save ends) do saving throws and pets work? I'll go re-read that section...

    As a reminder to Hileon, while you are unconscious, Artigine must move as far as he can towards you choosing the safest route possible. Once he reaches an adjacent square, he can act independantly with a full action set. With a shift and a run action, he can make it to T10 this turn without provoking any opportunity attacks. Or, if you don't want him to grant combat advantage from running, you can have him attempt the acrobatics check to run downhill at full speed.

    Initiative Order:

    *spirit speaker
    Hileon <<<

    Last edited by sleepy; 2009-04-17 at 12:06 PM.