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Thread: Maid Gear Solid: Full Maid Panic! (IC)

  1. - Top - End - #234
    Ogre in the Playground
    Tackyhillbillu's Avatar

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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Maid Gear Solid: Full Maid Panic! (IC)

    Sherwood sees someone dashing along the rooftops, and looked up considering. They could be trailing Miki, or they could be involved in some other task that took them along the same path. He could go and confront them, but he'd risk losing Miki.

    The best choice is to just leave hiding. I'll greet Ms. Inoue like I was just a suprised classmate.

    Sherwood, having found a plan, put it into action. He slipped around a building, and when Miki was about to pass in front of it, walked out, almost bumping into her. He put on a look of suprise.

    "Ms. Inoue? A suprise to see you out so late."
    Last edited by Tackyhillbillu; 2009-04-22 at 01:53 AM.