As the group makes their way upriver, the channel narrows and shortens dramatically. Progress is quite slow for some time, and only slows further as you move up. The lanterns at the prow of your craft help out a great deal, for once you move away from the entryway at the well, there is no light to be found in the tunnel. The water glistens eerily in the dim glow that they provide, the occasional bit of bone or skull peeking up to the surface. Those swimming in the water are constantly prodded by the skeletons. As you move further and further upstream, the water becomes thicker with bones, and it seems as though the skeletons are becoming larger, even as the stream becomes more shallow and narrower. You are certain that you see the occasional mammalian bone amidst the slew of fish, and with increasing frequency. Eventually, the leading raft is struck slightly by something beneath it and becomes momentarily lodged before the current pushes it away. Gathnashk, swimming slightly behind, gets a good view of the object before it drifts away, and emerges from the water for a moment to say to the rest of the group in his dry voice, "A giant's ribcage."

With the enormity of the skeleton that even now is pushed away from your gathering, it may provide cause to rethink your route - do you push on or head back downstream?