Ivory Eyes invites Rata-ji, D'resh, Echo and Zephyr into the kitchen, setting a fine repast of rice and blackened chicken before them all. She excuses herself to the den that adjoins the dining room, sitting cross-legged on the floor. She removes a few vials of soil from an old jewelry box nearby filled, conspicuously enough, with absolutely no jewelry. She pours the soil into a thin circle around her and begins to hum softly.

It grows, over the hours, into an immensely awkward sort of throbbing sound that resounds down into the solid core of all things, the sort of song that stones would sing had they the vocal capability.

"Come, oh kri, spirit of the deep earth, lonely creature that would shuck the bindings placed upon it and trod the deep places in careless mania. Come, oh kri, spirit of the deep earth, pitious creature born without breath. Come, oh kri, to the Court of Lotus, and sup the essence of our prayers, run free across what demenses one may find."

Summoning a Kri. 40 motes to bring the pool down to 10 vs 3.
Round Two, just in case: